dave moss air sampling on christmas island using a flask to determine atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations

The Keeling Award

The Keeling Award is the first award that specifically recognizes the importance of sustaining long-term observations (LTOs) of the earth’s environment and atmosphere

LTO programs often face financial hardships or funding uncertainties that can threaten their future existence.  Losing these programs deprives the world of important environmental data that inform the health and future of humanity and our planet.

scientist tracking observations in notebook while in the field
on the oceangoing epa research vessel named bold field crew members carefully lower a multiprobe instrument to take measurements of coastal water quality national coastal condition assessment photo eric vance epa

The Keeling Award is an annual environmental award that is given to scientists, community scientists, or groups who are actively engaged in long-term observations that demonstrate excellence in data continuity and precision. 

This award honors the spirit of Dave Keeling’s dedication to collecting continuous and precise measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and celebrates those individuals engaged in important LTO programs and data.

The first award will be given in 2025.

launching a balloon with a scientific payload
three ecologists wearing casual clothing exploring lake and taking water sample

“Perhaps my success in sustaining time-series measurements will eventually raise the general scientific regard for making repetitive but important environmental measurements”
– C.D. Keeling

From: Keeling, C. D. (1998). “Rewards and penalties of monitoring the earth.” 
Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 23(1): 25-82.

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PHOTO CREDITS  Dave Moss air sampling: The Keeling Family, Marine sampling with CTD: Eric Vance, EPA, Atmospheric sampling balloon: NOAA / GML