Learn more about the Keeling legacy through articles and interviews below
Binge Our Lecture Series
Podcast: Cleaning Up
Making America Dumb Again: The Stakes of Slashing Climate Science
Ralph Keeling and Ray Weiss were interviewed on an episode of the podcast “Cleaning Up” where host Bryony Worthington digs in to the recent federal cuts to climate science and other critical research. With each new budgetary casualty, vital long-term programs, staff, experts, and data are lost. Ralph, Ray, and Bryony discuss what is at stake when long-term observations are abandoned and what the risks are when we ignore these data.
Podcast: Planet SOS
Planet SOS: Where will climate refugees go when the tide rises?
Hosts from the podcast “Planet SOS” speak with Ralph Keeling on the topic of protecting the people and unique biodiversity of Palau, an epicenter of the climate change crisis.
Podcast: Met office
Mostly Weather: The Keeling Curve
Met Office scientists take a lively look at the fascinating history and science of weather and climate research. Professor Ralph Keeling talks about his father's climate legacy, the Mauna Loa CO₂ observatory, and the Keeling Curve.
Ralph Keeling: Listening to the voice of the Earth (UEA Zuckerman Lecture 2019)
Prof Ralph Keeling reports on results from measurements of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere, and how these continue to inform our understanding of widespread changes in the functioning of land and ocean ecosystems.
Podcast: Innovation Hub
The Beginnings Of Climate Science
Met Office scientists take a lively look at the fascinating history and science of weather and climate research. Professor Ralph Keeling talks about his father's climate legacy, the Mauna Loa CO₂ observatory, and the Keeling Curve.
Decoding the Weather Machine
In this two-hour documentary, NOVA will cut through the confusion around climate change.
Podcast: Science Vs
Natural and Human Causes of Past and Future Climate Change
Less than half of Americans think climate change is caused by humans, but scientists are sure about it. So, how do they know that humans are to blame? We also look into the climate change crystal ball to figure out are we doomed? Is the apocalypse nigh? We speak to Prof. Ralph Keeling, Prof. Chris Field, and Dr. David Pierce to find out.
Podcast: The Takeaway
Developing Innovative Ways to Fund Science
Ralph Keeling joins The Takeaway to explain his efforts to help fund his work.
Interview: OPR Climate Change
Crossing 400: The Keeling Curve Reaches a Historic Milestone
Ralph Keeling talks about the Keeling Curve and a historic climate milestone: when the carbon dioxide concentration in our atmosphere exceeded 400 ppm for the first time in human history. Dr. Keeling explains the consequences of this, outlines solutions, and addresses why time is of the essence.
Interview: Yale Environment 360
Son of Climate Science Pioneer Ponders A Sobering Milestone
In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Ralph Keeling discusses his father’s work, reflects on the meaning of CO₂ levels climbing higher than they’ve been in at least 800,000 years, and expresses hope that crossing the 400 ppm mark may play a role in awakening the public to the dangers of runaway climate change.
BBC: Witness History
The Keeling Curve
How Charles D. Keeling began the work that would show how our climate is changing.
Article: The New York Times
A Scientist, His Work and a Climate Reckoning
What the New York Times had to say about the legacy of Charles D. Keeling and the importance of his long-term climate research.
PHOTO CREDITS Station at Mauna Loa: NOAA Corps / Cmdr John Bortniak